DESCRIPTION: Our miniature dish gardens arrive as a ready-made air plant garden with 3 air plants. This is a great gift idea for friends & teachers. The dish gardens are assembled in high-quality, kiln-fired, terracotta containers with a rich black glaze. This container features an unglazed bottom to assist with the airflow that air plants require. Each dish garden comes with an assortment of 3 tillandsias, selected to accentuate their varying heights and textures. The plants will be anchored into the containers with plant-safe glue and preserved reindeer moss. The air plants add 3-8 inches to the below container height.
CARE INSTRUCTIONS: The plants in this display should not be removed from the dish nor should the display be submerged in water. To keep the plants hydrated, wet the leaves by misting or rinsing them 2-3 times a week or as needed with a spray bottle or by holding them sideways under a faucet. Be careful not to fully saturate the base of the dish. Do not water the moss.
SIZE: 5.5 Inches Depth: 3 Inches
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